Sunday, June 13, 2010

Random Thoughts

Posted by Rion at 10:00 PM
So it's been like forever since I've decided to blog, but I'm super happy the technology of today allows me to pick up where I left off......

So where do I start.....

I'm at a place in life where I can feel myself changing.  I'm known as the party diva, always with a drink in my hand and a man on my arms, but now that is old. I no longer need to party to a good time.  Give me a good book, red wine (or coffee), music, and a comfy couch and I am in second heaven.  And I'm actually not sad about this transition, I have lived my young single days to the fullest. I've partied until I pass out, I've traveled the world, and of course along the way I've made my mistakes (but have absolutely no regrets).  See all of this has made me who I am today, a strong, independent, fashionable, outspoken black diva, and I love the person I have grown into.

I know beyond a reasonable doubt who I am.  I know what makes me happy, mad, sad and everything in between.

I've learned that you can't please or like everybody. Some people will leave a bad taste in your mouth (literally and figuratively).

I've learned that I am not Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda. Instead I am a combination of all four fab women. I am searching for my Mr. Big and will not give up until I find him.  I fantasize of my perfect family and life just like Charlotte. I am a stubborn bish just like Miranda and most of all I am an outspoken independent freak like my girl Samantha.

I've learned that 95% of the time, my flaws can outshine my good qualities, but that doesn't make me a bad person, it make me human.

I've learned that sometimes you outgrow your friends and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

I've learned that always doing things to please your significant other and getting nothing in return, is not a's a dictatorship.

I've learned not to listen to what other people say is the right thing to do. Instead you should listen to YOUR heart.

I've learned I cant live without shopping, reading, coffee, music, and makeup.

I've learned that no matter what Beyonce does, she will always be awesome in my book.

Lastly, but most importantly, I've learned that I always and forever will be goofy, self-centered, and materialistic and personally that is what I love about myself.


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